Les fibres naturelles : La laine

Natural fibers: Wool

Natural fibers: Wool

Wool :

Wool comes from the fleece of sheep. Other animals also provide a woolly fleece, which can be called wool, but which is also sometimes called hair (e.g. camel hair), sometimes from the name of the animal itself (cashmere, mohair, etc.). ). After shearing, the fleece is classified according to the length of the hair and then it is cleaned of impurities (plant debris, etc.). Before going to the spinning mill, the fleece goes through the stripping stage which consists of removing the non-wooly hairs (larger and more difficult to dye than wool).


The advantages of wool:

Wool is an excellent climatic insulator against the cold but also against the heat. Despite its high absorbency, it dries relatively quickly and retains its insulating power even when wet. Finally, due to its high elasticity, wool is not very creaseable.


The downside of wool? :

While wool doesn't really have any flaws in itself, it does have the disadvantage of being feltable. This is explained by the tangle of the scales of its fibers which spring back due to chemical or mechanical attack (friction, etc.). This therefore involves delicate maintenance but, fortunately, there are anti-felting treatments.

La laineLa fibre de la laine au microscope électronique

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Cotton Linen Silk

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