3 façons de pimenter un peu votre tenue professionnelle

3 ways to spice up your professional outfit a little

3 ways to spice up your professional outfit a little

Some women sometimes feel stressed about getting dressed every morning. It's true that it can be trying to have to find a new outfit to make a good impression with your employer, your colleagues, your clients... What clothes to wear? Which ones are clean? When was the last time I wore this dress? Has anyone noticed I've been wearing these pants for two days? This happens to you too, doesn't it? Don’t worry, it happens to us too. However, there are a few little tips that Mademoiselle Grenade is giving you today.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to run out of ideas. Grabbing the first piece of clothing that comes to hand becomes a reflex. However, it is important to keep in mind that the more confident we are in our clothes, in our outfit, the more confident we are in ourselves. That's why it's important to bring a little freshness to your style and spice up your professional wardrobe. With these tips, you will be able to feel perfectly comfortable in the outfit you choose to wear to the office.

3 ideas to add style to your office outfits

1. Dress for the weather conditions

Like everyone else, you want to wear fashionable or at least current clothes whatever the weather. Whether it's raining, windy or snowing, you can't show up to work in an outfit that lacks style and doesn't reflect well on you. If you don't know what to wear when it's time to get dressed , take a look out the window and observe the weather. Is the weather cloudy? Is it sunny out? Is it windy? This may seem obvious, but if you pay attention to the weather conditions, you will narrow down your outfit options and be able to find the perfect outfit for the office more quickly.

2. Dress according to the meaning of colors

An idea that works wonderfully is to use colors according to your mood and what you want to express . For example, if you opt for an outfit made up of black and white clothes, you reflect the image of an important person, working in a very serious company. You've noticed CEOs or people in very senior positions always wear these colors, right? Another example, red is often considered a sexy color. However, this color is also that of confidence and boldness. Look at the colors on the shelves in your wardrobe and try to figure out what they mean. If one color is predominant in your wardrobe, it may be time to make some adjustments and invest in clothes in other colors.

3. Dress for the impression you want to make

The outfit you choose has a double importance. On the one hand it plays a role on your way of being, of moving, of moving, of holding yourself...and on the other hand it also plays on the image that you give of yourself. Do you want to feel comfortable in your clothes? Do you want to present the image of an approachable person? Do you want to seem like an important person? Do you want to be an inspiration to others? Do you want to be listened to and heard? Transpose your answers into your outfit of the day and you will be sure to have a great day.

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