Découvrez le code vestimentaire de l’entreprise que vous convoitez ?

Find out the dress code of the company you are considering?

Find out the dress code of the company you are considering?

That's it ! Your CV and cover letter have attracted attention and you are preparing for a job interview. This is the time to practice a little in front of your mirror while, if possible, putting your worries about this interview aside.

Whether this is your first interview or you are unfortunately used to these stressful meetings, you must first of all know how to determine the atmosphere of the company and the appropriate clothing style. Find out your future company's dress code now and prepare to leave a good impression on the hiring person.

The different company dress codes:

Business style

Get dressed! Formal businesses generally have the strictest dress code. Whether it's a matching suit or a combination of pieces chosen from your work clothes, you absolutely must wear clothes suitable for the business world. However, just because the dress code is formal and strict doesn't mean you can't take some liberties.

What clothing is suitable for a formal dress code?

  • An elegant, quality blazer (or a pretty fitted jacket)

  • Matching tailored pants and skirts

  • Chic buttoned blouses

  • A black shopping bag, briefcase or briefcase

  • Closed black shoes

Business casual style

A little less strict and a little more relaxed than the business style, the wardrobe remains professional but allows for more possibilities. Suits are generally not required (check twice) and more casual outfits are even tolerated or even encouraged at the end of the week.

What clothing is suitable for a more casual dress code?

The casual, relaxed style

Please note: A company with a casual dress code does not mean you can wear sweatpants and look too...cool! Casual means that you can wear jeans from Monday to Friday but you will have to forget about cropped tops and dizzying necklines.

What clothing is suitable for a casual dress code?

  • Clean, lightly faded jeans

  • Casual, flowing fabrics…

  • Light jackets

  • Buttoned shirts

  • Flat shoes

Need additional advice? Don't hesitate to discover our ultimate guide to finding the ideal outfit suited to the position you want .

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