La psychologie des couleurs

The psychology of colors

The psychology of colors

A few days ago, we presented a simple method to find the colors made for you . Today, Mademoiselle Grenade continues this journey through this wonderful world of color and its psychology. It is a fascinating journey towards self-discovery, through understanding the meaning of colors that we offer you today.

Colors have deep subliminal meanings, which affect the way we think and reason.

Knowing how color affects your consciousness and subconscious can change your life. This knowledge can inspire you to learn more about yourself and “become” the person you truly are. It is a powerful tool that you can use in all aspects of your life: From choosing the color of your clothes, to the colors of your interior decoration, your business or even your car.

Because it is a complex tool, we will present several articles which will allow those who wish to accompany us in this magical universe that is that of color.

First of all, what is color?

On the page dedicated by Wikipedia , we learn that color is the subjective perception that an individual has, of one or more lengths of light wavelengths, with one (or more) given amplitude(s), through of his eye vision.

In summary, it is simply the vibration of light energy.

What is color psychology?

This is the explanation of how colors influence our minds consciously or unconsciously. Colors have an effect on our well-being and our health by influencing our emotions and our moods.

Color affects us all, whether we can see it or not, whether we can feel it or not.

And, although we perceive it differently, at different degrees of intensity, one thing is certain, color influences each of us on a subconscious level.

It is omnipresent, enriches our emotions, our relationships... our lives, quite simply.


Understand the meaning of colors and their psychological effects.

The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances. If each color can have several aspects, you can very easily learn the language of color. Mademoiselle Grenade shares some secrets with you here.

Color is a form of communication. It is not a static energy and its meaning can change overnight, from country to country, from culture to culture and from person to person.

For example, a person may choose to wear a red dress one day because she is about to make important decisions or because she is passionate about the day's agenda ahead of her (or about the man she is with). goes to dinner in the evening) but she can also wear this same red dress to express a feeling of anger. This choice may be conscious or unconscious.

Thus, the same color has positive points but also negative points. This is why it must be used wisely and used according to the situation.

To help you, we offer you a summary of the power of colors in ready-to-wear.


Black :

Black is the symbol of the secret, the occult, the unknown. It creates a mysterious atmosphere.


The White :

In its purest form, white is the color of perfection. It symbolizes purity and innocence but also completeness, completion.


Grey :

From a psychological point of view, gray is the color of compromise: Neither black nor white. It is the transition between two non-colors.



Gold is the color of achievement and success. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality. It is the color of prestige and elegance. It reflects material wealth, of course, but also extravagance.



Money has feminine energy. It is associated with the moon and tidal flows. It is an emotional and sensitive color but also mysterious.


The Red :

The color red is the color of energy, passion and action. It is a warm, positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive.



It is the color of communication and optimism but it is also a sign of pessimism and superficiality.


Yellow :

In color psychology, yellow is the color of the mind, of the intellect. It is an optimistic and happy color. However, it can also suggest impatience, a critical or even cowardly spirit.


The green :

Green is the color of balance and growth. This color can mean both autonomy and possessiveness, among other meanings.


Blue :

It is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity but also a certain conservatism.



Indigo is the color of intuition. In color sense, this color symbolizes idealism and structure but also ritualism and addiction.



It is the color of imagination. It can be creative but also symbolizes immaturity.



A symbol of communication and clarity of mind, it also suggests idealism.


The pink :

The color of unconditional love, pink also suggests education. It can be a sign of immaturity and is often associated with little girls.



This color expresses universal harmony and emotional balance. It is a spiritual color that expresses common sense and a balanced view of life.


Brown :

It is a serious, down-to-earth shade that expresses security, protection and material wealth.


As you can see, colors have both positive and negative meanings. They send conscious or unconscious messages and, like flowers, have a language that is good to master in order to adopt the right colors according to our moods, our agenda...


We will, of course, have the opportunity to go into more detail about the different colors and their symbolism in future articles which, we hope, will allow you to be perfectly dressed and wear the right color(s). (s) at every opportunity.


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