Les basiques d’une garde-robe féminine

The basics of a women's wardrobe

The basics of a women's wardrobe

The basics of a women's wardrobe

The basis of a wardrobe should be the result of good planning. It is true that some women can afford to wear designer clothes for a tenth of the price of the clothes. So why doesn't their look look more like a million dollar outfit?

Because these women do not plan their purchases and buy in a hurry. Their colors, fabrics , and accessories aren't as coordinated as they could be. Their wardrobe is not carefully chosen for their lifestyle and therefore is not appropriate for their social and/or professional situation. In other words, they have clothes, but not a proper wardrobe.


A wardrobe must above all be made up of a series of coordinated clothes, which adapt to the seasons, 12 months a year and 24 hours a day.

A carefully planned wardrobe will provide any woman, regardless of her lifestyle, with a minimum number of clothes suitable for any occasion (professional or not).


Knowing how to put together your wardrobe will give you the possibility of always having something to wear, whether for a job interview , a cocktail evening or a romantic dinner.


A walk-in closet is perfect when every missing or worn piece is quickly replaced. Buying a new basic to complete your wardrobe must be done carefully, paying the price for a quality fabric and a garment with beautiful finishes.

There is no point in getting a basic suit coat or jacket with as little investment as possible. Indeed, these essential clothes are supposed to last over time, since you will have to wear them often. It is therefore more judicious to put the price on clothes that will be worn for several years in a row.

However, it is normal that certain pieces are available according to the seasons. You will then need to obtain different fabrics, more or less thick, in order to be able to adapt your outfits throughout the seasons. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of wardrobe basics is not made up of any particular style. They consist of lasting over time to easily mix your outfits with the same bases. These are the other pieces that will constitute your personal style and your favorites.


Basics have no season and go through the ages without difficulty.

Fashionistas can only earn this designation when their wardrobe is made up of enough basic clothes .

Even if your eye is caught by the latest trend of the moment and makes you want to rush for it, remember that giving in to these kinds of temptations could lead you straight to a financial abyss. Trends, subject to “fast fashion”, vary so often that in the excitement and this feeling of racing against the odds, you will quickly become trapped. So stay careful and curb your fashion impulses for the benefit of your wallet!


Printed dresses, red shoes or the latest fashionable jacket can be some of the bad investments you can make if you have not first invested in a wardrobe made up of basic clothes.

Before giving way to temptation, ask yourself a few questions: “ Will this purchase suit my usual style? Will it still be fashionable in a few months? Will it match the rest of my clothes? Will it fit in as well with my personal style and daily obligations? ".

If you give in to your impulses and buy an item simply because at one time it attracted you with its fashionable style, and not because it is usable, you may regret it once you get home. Who has never said to themselves: “Why did I buy this…?” ".

The same goes if you don't pay attention to its fabric and finishes. Let's say you fall for a €10 sweater, telling yourself that it will be welcome for this winter. After wearing it and washing it just a few times, you will notice that it pills, shrinks or loses its shape. So at this rate, you will quickly have paid tens of tens of euros in several rooms.

Then compare this sweater with other clothes that have been stored in your closet for years. You'll be surprised to find that you only wear a piece a few times before it's too worn out to pair with other outfits.

Good quality basic clothing will not only provide you with adequate comfort, day after day and season after season, but they will also allow you to save a lot of money.

So invest in clothes that you will wear regularly, both at work and on more casual outings.

Find ingenious ways to invest wisely by having the ability to mix and match your outfits endlessly and have looks that can be adapted to several different occasions.

Good taste cannot be bought unlike good fabrics and beautiful finishes. If you want to spend wisely, then spend every penny where quality counts. Buying better quality will allow you to enjoy yourself longer.

Finally, the three points to keep in mind for a properly composed wardrobe of basic clothes are:

Color: The basic colors are black, browns and navy blue. Opting for beige or gray are also good alternatives.

Fabric: make sure you invest in fibers that will allow you to wear your clothes all year round.

Style: seeing a very stylish piece of clothing is good, but one that fits a basic item is better.

Do not hesitate to consult our articles on the essential basics for a wardrobe full of style: 

Some clothes are essential. Mademoiselle Grenade takes stock of these timeless basics and other items of clothing that you should urgently have in your feminine wardrobe.

Why is the black dress an essential basic?

15 Essential Basics for Your Everyday Wardrobe.

Here are all the tips on basic clothes and the right pieces essential to your wardrobe

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