TEST : Savez-vous entretenir vos vêtements et accessoires avec efficacité ?

TEST: Do you know how to take care of your clothes effectively?

TEST: Do you know how to take care of your clothes effectively?

Test your skills in caring for your clothes and accessories

Giving your clothes proper care contributes to a longer lifespan and better appearance. You will find that choosing the right tools, the right tips... makes caring for your clothes easier and more interesting. Do you have a well-organized storage space? Is your laundry basket full? Is your cleaning kit suitable for each of your clothes? If necessary, do you have a dry cleaner near you? Maintaining your clothes is essential to have an impeccable look but also so that your basics, like the clothes that define your personal style, last through the years while retaining their power of seduction.

Test your skills in caring for your clothes and accessories

Check for yourself the quality and level of care you give to your clothes by performing this quick test. You are ready ? 

Give yourself 5 points for yes or excellent, 3 points for often or good, 1 point for sometimes or fair, and 0 for never or poor.

Maintaining your coats, suits, skirts and dresses

1. Do you keep your skirts on hangers only suitable for this purpose?

2. Do you protect your rarely used clothes in dust bags?

3. Do you take your dark-colored clothes to the dry cleaner as often as they should?

4. Do you have properly padded hangers for your coats and jackets?

5. Do you leave enough space between each item of clothing in your wardrobe so that they are not crushed?

6. Do you close all zippers and buttons when hanging a garment?

7. Do you open all fasteners before wearing a garment?

8. Do you handle all your clothes with care and hang them up as soon as you take them off?

9. Are you careful not to damage your clothes with sweat stains?

10. Do you repair your clothes as soon as you notice they need it?

11. Do you remove pills and stains as soon as they appear?

12. Do you avoid using your best clothes for housework and/or lounging?

13. Do you properly check your wool clothing at the end of the season?

14. Do you keep a clothes brush handy and use it?

15. Do you use a cloth or a damp pad when ironing?

16. Do you rotate the clothes you wear so that each one can “rest” a little before being worn again?

Caring for your hats, scarves and gloves 

1. Do you protect your hats from dust when you are not wearing them?

2. Fill your crowns with  your hats with fabric or tissue paper to prevent them from becoming deformed?

3. Do you regularly clean your scarves and fold them properly before storing them?

4. Do you brush your hats often? 

5. Do you wash your white gloves after each use and/or have your white leather gloves cleaned by a specialist?

6. Do you have a dedicated place to store your gloves so they lay flat and maintain their shape?

7. Do you avoid wearing gloves that look too worn or tired, due to excessive wear and improper care?

8. Do you fold your gloves correctly every time you take them off?

Maintaining your shoes and tights

1. Do you make sure your heels are always in good condition?

2. Replace your heel tips often enough to avoid damaging your  shoes ?

3. Do you keep your shoes brushed and polished?

4. Do you protect your shoes from dust?

5. Do you avoid getting your shoes wet?

6. Do you try to maintain their shape by using shoe trees?

7. Do you use a shoehorn to avoid crushing the heel counter?

8. Do you wash your tights after each use?

9. Do you follow all recommendations provided by the manufacturer for caring for and storing your tights and nylon stockings ?

10. Do you use gloves or hand lotion to avoid snags when putting on your tights or nylons?

11. Do you rub cream on your feet to avoid rough spots and tears?

Maintenance of other elements

1. Empty your handbag once a week to brush and clean its interior  and/or its interior lining?

2. Do you wash your underwear often enough to keep them fresh?

3. Do you have a special box for your jewelry?

4. Do you regularly give your jewelry a “beauty bath”?

5. Do you fold sweaters and place them in a drawer or shelf rather than hanging them on hangers?

6. Do you follow the care instructions for the clothes you buy?

7. Do you allow your nightwear (pajamas, nightie, etc.) to air out?

8. Do you keep your accessories, scarves, belts, etc. ready for immediate use?

9. Are you using the correct ironing temperature for your various clothes?

Your result:

If you score between 168 and 220, your clothes are an integral part of your personality and you give them all the love they deserve. Your clothes are well maintained and are sure to accompany you for many seasons.

If your score is between 110 and 165, you're on your way to having polished looks every day. Do not hesitate to add to your consultant skills our advice and tips for maintaining your laundry efficiently.

Is your score below 110? You should spend a little more time caring for your clothes: always impeccable style and significant savings are within reach. Do not hesitate to consult our advice and tips for maintaining your clothes more effectively.

These articles will give you some clues to have a wardrobe made up of properly maintained clothes :

How to wash your clothes correctly?

5 practical tips for properly maintaining your clothes

Tips to fight against stains: Lipstick, coffee...

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